Northfield, New Jersey
The Northfield Board of Education shall organize annually at a regular meeting beginning not later than 8 p.m. on a day appointed by statute. If the organization meeting cannot take place on that day because of lack of a quorum or for any other reason, the meeting shall be held within three days thereafter.
The organization meeting shall be called to order by the board secretary/business administrator, who shall act as temporary chairperson. The board shall proceed to the election of a president who shall immediately become chairperson; the board shall then elect a vice president. A majority vote of the members of the board present and voting shall be necessary for election.
Adopted: No Date
NJSBA Review/Update: December 2009; December 2010
Readopted: October 24, 2011
Key Words
Organization Meeting
Legal References: N.J.S.A. 18A:10-3 First regular meeting of board (Type I and Type II)
N.J.S.A. 18A:10-4 Secretary to give notice of meeting
N.J.S.A. 18A:10-5 Organization meeting as business meeting
N.J.S.A. 18A:15-1 President and vice president; election of failure to elect
Cross References: 9121 Election and duties president
9122 Election and duties vice president
9123 Appointment of board secretary/business administrator
9126 Appointment of attorney
9130 Committees
9340 Membership in associations