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9322.1 Remote Board Meeting


Northfield, New Jersey Monitored


Policy X Other Reasons

Remote Board of Education Meetings

In accordance with New Jersey State Law (P.L.2020,c.11.1), the Northfield Board of Education acknowledges that in the event of an emergency closing of schools, business of the Board of Education may still need to occur.  In this event where pressing business of the Board is required such as renewal of staff, budget hearings, approval of bills payments, policies etc., a meeting through electronic means will be permitted. 


In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), the following provisions will be implemented so that a meeting can occur during an emergency closing (P. L. 2020, c.11.1):

  1. Board of Education members will make every attempt to participate through a technology portal where they can be viewable for each other and members of the public. The Board of Education will accomplish this through a Google Hangouts Meet platform. Members of the public can call in as well as submit questions electronically.
  2. Notice of this meeting’s virtual location will be published through the traditional means and outlets as well as being noticed on the District website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter), electronic board, and in the Board of Education Office no less than 48 hours in advance.
  3. The district will make every effort to post the agenda for the meeting no later than 24 hours in advance for review and reference by members of the public. The agenda will be placed on the district website. 
  4. Members of the public will be provided an opportunity to make comments on both agenda and non-agenda items.  Guidance for public participation in the public comment portion of the meeting will be provided upon accessing the meeting. Comments submitted through the Google Hangouts Meet Chat feature will be read into the record by the Board of Education President or designee announcing both the name of the member of the public and his/her address as is customary to provide with comments. Comments may also be submitted in advance of the remote public meeting by electronic mail or in written letter form. Public comments submitted before the remote public meeting through electronic mail or by written letter must be received by the office of the superintendent by noon of the Friday preceding the scheduled Board of Education meeting. Comments submitted before the remote public meeting through electronic mail or by written letter will be read into the record by the Board of Education President or designee announcing both the name of the member of the public and his/her address as is customary to provide with comments. In the event that additional information can be provided by a member of the Board or the Superintendent, it will be provided.  Remote public access will be achieved by accessing the district website at the virtual location provided in the meeting notice.
  5. Executive session, if needed, will still be held in a second Google Hangouts Meet meeting open only to Board of Education members, the Board of Education Attorney, and members of the Central Office Administration.


Under no circumstances other than an emergency closing of schools, does the Board of Education approve of the electronic participation in a Board of Education meeting by any member, unless set forth in a separate Board Policy.

Adopted: May 2020

NJSBA Review/Update: November 2020


Key Words

Legal References:

P. L. 2020, c. 11 and N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et. seq.


Cross References:

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