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5119(R) Transfer


Northfield, New Jersey



The following procedures shall be implemented to comply with federal law and state department of education requirements in accordance with board policy 5119:

  1. Students transferring into the district are expected to present copies of records from the previously attended school (or district) to aid in placement. Also required are proof of immunizations and proof of identity.
  2. Within the time prescribed by law, the Superintendent shall request in writing from the school or district of previous attendance, the student’s records.
  3. Transportation shall not be provided to students transferring out of “persistently dangerous“ schools, as identification by the state department of education, or student victims of violent criminal offenses.
  4. The Superintendent shall attempt to establish an agreement with a neighboring district to accept any student wishing to transfer out of a “persistently dangerous” school, as identified by the state department of education, or student victims of violent criminal offenses. The board shall review and approve any agreement prior to its application.

Adopted: April 2017

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