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5134 (R) Married Pregnant Students


Northfield, New Jersey Monitored

X Mandated

Regulation X Other Reasons

Support for Breastfeeding Mothers

The following procedures shall be implemented in each school when a student requests accommodations to support their choice to breastfeed.

School Responsibilities

Breastfeeding students who choose to continue providing their milk for their infants after returning to school shall receive:

  1. Milk expression breaks for breastfeeding

The student shall be allowed to breastfeed or express milk during the school day using their normal breaks, study hall and meal times. For time that may be needed beyond the usual break times, the student may request a pass to the school nurse. The school nurse with the consultation of the principal and student’s teacher(s) may at the request of the student develop regular schedule accommodation that better support their choice to breastfeed.

  1. A place to express milk

A private room (not a toilet stall or restroom) shall be made available for the student to breastfeed or express milk. The room will be private and sanitary, located near a sink with running water for washing hands and rinsing out breast pump parts, and have an electrical outlet. If the student prefers, she may also breastfeed in other comfortable locations agreed upon in consultation with the principal. Expressed milk can be stored in general refrigerators; in designated refrigerators provided in the lactation room or other location; or in student’s personal cooler.

  1. Staff Support

The principal shall ensure that pregnant and breastfeeding students are notified about the district’s lactation support policies and procedures. The principal shall be responsible for negotiating policies and practices that will help facilitate each student’s infant feeding goals. It is expected that all employees will assist in providing a positive atmosphere of support for breastfeeding students.

  1. Signage

The building principal shall ensure that the New Jersey Department of Education signage shall be displayed in a clear and conspicuous manner in the school’s waiting area, as well as in any lactation room that is made available. The New Jersey Department of Education signage shall contain information about breast feeding; affirm a mother’s right to nurse in public; and indicate that lactation rooms are being made available for the privacy and comfort of nursing mothers.

The building principal shall ensure board policy and regulations on provisions for milk expression breaks, for breastfeeding and the designated lactation room(s) are distributed to staff and students who are pregnant and nursing mothers returning from maternity leave.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Communication with Teachers

Any student who wishes to express milk during the work period shall keep the school nurse and/or their teachers informed of their needs so that appropriate accommodations can be made to satisfy the needs. The school nurse shall keep the principal informed regarding accommodations requested.

  1. Breastfeeding Equipment

The student is responsible for the purchase, maintenance and storage of breastfeeding equipment. The district is not responsible for any lost, broken or stolen private property.

  1. Maintenance of Milk Expression Areas

Breastfeeding students are responsible for keeping designated milk expression area clean and using antibacterial wipes to sanitize small areas. Students shall be required to report any large spills to the nurse. Students are also responsible for keeping the general designated lactation room clean for the next user. This responsibility extends to both designated milk expression areas, as well as other areas where expressing milk will occur.

  1. Milk Storage

Students should label all milk expressed with their name and date collected so it is not inadvertently confused with another mother’s milk. Each student is responsible for proper storage of her milk using the school refrigerator or personal storage coolers.

  1. Use of Break Times to Express Milk

When more than one breastfeeding mother needs to use the designated lactation room, they can use the sign-in log provided in the room to negotiate milk expression times that are most convenient or best meet their needs.

Adopted: June 22, 2021

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