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5141.1 Accidents


Northfield, New Jersey X Monitored

X Mandated

Other Reasons






Each principal shall develop a program of accident prevention suited to his/her school. The Superintendent of Schools shall review and approve such programs. When unforeseen situations arise, and an accident occurs, a school nurse or other assigned staff member shall be responsible for providing emergency services to a child or staff member. The school physician shall prepare a list of first aid treatment for the most common minor injuries. This list shall be made known to the staff.


Guidelines for Dealing with Accident/Injury


A. The school nurse or another trained person shall be responsible for administering first aid. Universal precautions shall be taken in the handling of blood and body fluids to ensure the containment of bloodborne pathogens. (See policies and regulations 4112.4/4212.4 Employee health and 5141.2 Illness).


B. In all cases where the nature of an injury appears in any way serious, every effort shall be made to contact the parent/guardian and/or family physician immediately.


C. Parents/guardians shall be requested to pick up their child. If a parent/guardian is unable to provide such transportation, no student who is injured shall be sent home alone. A student who is injured shall not be taken home unless it is known that someone is there to receive him/her.


D. In extreme emergencies, the school nurse, school doctor or principal may make arrangements for immediate hospitalization of injured students, contacting parents/guardians in advance if at all possible.


E. The teacher or other staff member who is responsible for a child at the time an accident occurs shall make out a report within 24 hours on an official form providing details about the accident. This shall be required for every accident whether first aid is necessary or not.


F. Any injuries or accidents to students shall be reported as soon as possible to the Superintendent of Schools and the board.


Staff shall be informed at the beginning of each school year of the accident prevention program and procedures to be followed in case of an accident/injury.


Emergency Medical Procedures for Sports/Athletics


The Northfield Board of Education recognizes its responsibility for student safety encompassing all aspects of sports and athletic events in both intramural and interscholastic programs. The board directs the Superintendent of Schools or designee to develop and implement emergency medical procedures to ensure delivery of appropriate emergency medical services for all practice sessions, competitive contests, games, events, or exhibitions with individual students or teams of the schools of this district whether among themselves or with students of other districts.


The board further directs that these emergency medical procedures be disseminated to appropriate personnel within this district and address practice sessions and both home and away events.





NJSBA Review/Update: November 2009; December 2010

Adopted: October 24, 2011


Key Words


Accidents; Injuries


Legal References: N.J.S.A. 18A:11-3 Voluntary associations regulating conduct of student activities; membership; rules and regulations; appeals

N.J.S.A. 18A:16-6 Indemnity of officers and employees against civil actions

N.J.S.A. 18A:16-6.1 Indemnity of officers and employees in certain criminal actions

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-25 Boards of education to provide nursing care to students in nonpublic schools

N.J.A.C. 6A:16-1.1et seq. Programs to Support Student Development

See particularly:

N.J.A.C. 6A:16-1.4, -2.1,

-2.3, -2.4

N.J.A.C. 6A:26-12.2(a)2iii Policies and procedures for school facility operation

N.J.A.C. 6A:27-12.2 Accident reporting

N.J.A.C. 6:32-9.1 et seq. Athletics Procedures

N.J.A.C. 8:61-1.1 et seq. Participation and Attendance at School by Individuals

with HIV Infection


HIV Policy and Practice: Regulatory Requirements for New Jersey Public Schools,


SDOE Division of Student Services, Sept. 1996, Doc. #P101400-31


Cross References: *3516 Safety

*3541.33 Transportation safety

*4112.4/4212.4 Employee health

*4123 Classroom aides

*5113 Absences and excuses

*5125 Student records

*5131.6 Drugs, alcohol, tobacco (substance abuse)

*5141 Health

*5141.2 Illness

*5141.4 Child abuse and neglect

5141.6 Crisis intervention

*5141.21 Administering medication

*5142 Student safety

*5200 Nonpublic school students

*6114 Emergencies and disaster preparedness

*6142.12 Career education

*6145.1/6145.2 Intramural competition; interscholastic competition

*6153 Field trips


*Indicates policy is included in the Critical Policy Reference Manual.

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