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4116 TeacherEval_Reg (3)

NORTHFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION FILE CODE: 4116 NORTHFIELD, NJ X Monitored X Mandated Regulation X Other Reasons

EVALUATION OF TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS Teaching and Principal Evaluation Rubrics The teaching and principal evaluation rubrics selected by the district shall meet the following minimum

standards (N.J.S.A. 18A:6-123):

A. Four defined annual ratings: ineffective, partially effective, effective, and highly effective;

B. The evaluation rubric must be partially based on multiple objective measures of student learning that assess student growth over a period of time;

C. The district may determine the methods for measuring student growth, in grades in which a state test is not required;

D. Multiple measures of practice and student learning are used in conjunction with professional standards of practice using a comprehensive evaluation process in rating effectiveness with specific measures and implementation processes;

E. Standardized assessments shall be used as a measure of student progress but shall not be the predominant factor in the overall evaluation of a teacher;

F. The rubric is based on the professional standards for that employee;

G. The performance measures used in the rubric are linked to student achievement;

H. The employee receives multiple observations during the school year which shall be used in evaluating the employee;

I. At each observation of a teacher, either the principal, his designee who is employed by the district in a supervisory role and capacity, and who possesses a school administrator certificate, principal certificate, or supervisor certificate, the vice-principal, or the assistant principal shall be present.

J. The staff member who will be observing shall receive training on the use of the teaching practice instrument . This training shall be completed before the observer conducts his or her first observation for the purpose of evaluation;

K. An opportunity for the employee to improve his effectiveness from evaluation feedback;

L. Guidelines for staff training on the use of the educator practice evaluation instrument to support its implementation, and guidelines for the demonstration of competence in the use and implementation of the educator practice evaluation instrument;

M. A process for ongoing monitoring and calibration of the observers to ensure that the observation protocols are being implemented correctly and consistently;

N. A performance framework, associated evaluation tools, and observation protocols, including training and observer calibration resources; and

O. A process for ensuring that the results of the evaluation help to inform instructional development.

As part of the teacher evaluation rubric and the principal evaluation rubric, the board shall approve and adopt both teacher and principal practice evaluation instruments that appear on an approved list provided by the Department of Education.

File Code: 4116

TEACHER EVALUATION (regulation continued)

The board may select a rubric that is not on the approved list and submit the rubric to the Commissioner for approval. All evaluation rubrics for teaching staff members shall be submitted to the Commissioner by June 1 for approval by August 1 of each year (N.J.A.C. 6A:10-2.1c).

Measurements of the Teacher Evaluation Rubric

The measurements of the teacher evaluation rubric shall be used to calculate a summative rating for all teaching staff members. The summative rating is the overall evaluation score derived from the evaluation scores of the following measures:

A. Measures of student achievement:

  1. Median student growth percentile for teachers who teach at least one course or group within a course that falls within a standardized-tested grade or subject.; and
  2. Student growth objectives for all teachers developed in consultation with their principal of his or her designee.

B. Measures of teacher practice determined through a teacher practice instrument and based on the required observation, and other measures,

Student Growth Percentile

The student growth percentile (SGP) is specific metric for measuring individual student progress on Statewide assessments by tracking how much a student’s test scores have changed relative to other students Statewide with similar scores in previous years.

An SGP score compares a student’s academic growth on the New Jersey statewide assessment measure (NJASK and starting 2014 PARCC) from one year to the next to the growth made by that student’s academic peers (students from around the state with similar test score histories).

Students receive a proficiency measure (partially proficient, proficient, advanced proficient). This measure compares the student to all students that have taken that grade level assessment in the state. The SGP is a subset of this group. It compares the student only with other students who share a similar performance record.

The SGP is able to distinguish high growth from low growth at any scale score. A student may be below proficiency in math or LAL, but he or she could earn a high SGP score showing that the student is achieving more academic growth compared to other students who share a similar proficiency rating history. The SGP combined with other evidence gathered as part of AchieveNJ, signals that the teacher’s instruction and/or principal’s leadership are helping that child catch up.

For more information go to www.state.nj.us/education/AchieveNJ/teacher/percentile.shtml

Student Growth Objectives

Student growth objectives (SGO) shall be assigned to teaching staff members who teach at least one course or group within a course that falls within a standardized-tested grade or subject. Student growth objectives shall be specific and measurable, based on available student learning data, aligned to the Core Curriculum Content Standards and based on growth and/or achievement. For teachers who teach subjects or grades not covered by the Core Curriculum Content Standards, student growth objectives shall align to standards adopted or endorsed, by the State Board.

Student growth objectives shall be developed and measured according to the following procedures:

A. The chief school administrator shall determine the number of required student growth objectives for teachers, including teachers with a student growth percentile:

1. A teacher with a student growth percentile shall have at least one and not more than four student

File Code: 4116

TEACHER EVALUATION (regulation continued)

growth objectives;

  1. A teacher without a student growth percentile shall have at least two and a maximum of four student growth objectives;
  2. By April 15, prior to the school year the evaluation rubric applies, the Department shall provide on its website the minimum and maximum number of required student growth objectives within this range;

B. A teacher with a student growth percentile shall not use the standardized assessment used in determining the student growth percentile to measure progress toward a student growth objective;

C. All teachers shall develop, in consultation with their principal or a teaching staff member appointed by the principal, each student growth objective.

D. If the teacher does not agree with the student growth objectives, the principal shall make the final determination;

E. Student growth objectives and the criteria for assessing teacher performance based on the objectives shall be determined and recorded in the teacher’s personnel file by November 15, 2013, and by October 15 of subsequent school years;

F. Adjustments to student growth objectives may be made by the teacher or his or her supervisor only when approved by the chief school administrator or designee and shall be recorded in the teacher’s personnel file on or before February 15.

G. The teacher’s supervisor and/or a member of the School Improvement Panel shall calculate each teacher’s student growth objective score. The teacher’s student growth objective score, if available, shall be discussed at the teacher’s annual summary conference.

Percentage Weight Range of Evaluation Rubric Components

Each measure of the evaluation rubric shall be converted to a percentage weight so all measures make up 100 percent of the evaluation rubric. By April 15 prior to the school year the evaluation rubric applies, the Department shall provide on its website the required percentage weight of each measure. All components shall be worth the following percentage weights or fall within the following ranges:

A. If the teacher receives a median student growth percentile (teachers of grades 4 through 8 that take the Statewide assessments), the student achievement component shall be at least 40 percent and no more than 50 percent of a teacher’s evaluation rubric rating;

B. If the teacher does not receive a median student growth percentile, the student achievement component shall be at least 15 percent and no more than 50 percent of a teacher’s evaluation rubric rating as determined by the Department;

C. Measures of teacher practice determined through a teacher practice instrument and based on the required observation, and other measures, shall be at least 50 percent and no more than 85 percent of a teacher’s evaluation rubric rating as determined by the Department.


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