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4119.26, 4219.26(R) Staff Dress, Regulation


Northfield, New Jersey




The Northfield City Board of Education believes that the appearance and dress of all staff members is an important component of the educational program of this school district. In order to create an atmosphere of respect for staff with a dignified educational environment, the board of education establishes the following rules for the dress of staff members in the performance of their professional duties.

  1. The clothing and appearance of all teaching staff members must be clean, neat and intact.
  2. No clothing can be worn that constitutes a danger to health or safety to the wearer or to others, and no clothing can be worn that interferes with the instructional program. Clothing cannot display profanity or other content inappropriate for school (as determined by the administration) or cause excessive wear or damage to school property For safety concerns, flip flops and backless shoes cannot be worn.
  3. A teaching staff member may request a waiver of this dress code for the performance of particular duties such as field trips, field days, and “dress down days.” Such waivers may be granted by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
  4. The physical education staff may wear physical education attire during their teaching assignments.
  5. The building principal or the teaching staff member’s supervisor, as appropriate, shall determine whether a violation of this dress code has occurred and shall discuss the violation with the teaching staff member concerned.
    1. A staff member’s first violation will result in he or she being given a verbal explanation of the violation.
    2. A staff member’s second violation will result in he or she being given a verbal explanation of the violation and a written reprimand will be placed in the staff member’s file.
    3. A staff member’s third and subsequent violations will require immediate conformity to this dress code regulation. The staff member will not be compensated for the time he or she takes to change into proper attire. If a staff member refuses to conform, he or she will be considered insubordinate. The principal or immediate supervisor will notify the Superintendent, in writing, immediately.
  6. Any clarification requests or questions regarding the policy and procedures relating to the policy may be submitted in advance to the superintendent.


It shall be the policy of the board to review this professional staff dress code at intervals of not less than three years and to invite the comments of appropriate staff members in that review.

Adopted: October 24, 2011

Revised: September 24, 2012; November 2017, September 2024

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