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4116(R) Evaluation_ Regulation




Evaluation Procedure

A. All staff members shall be advised of the performance criteria to be judged before the evaluation process begins;

B. There shall be two types of evaluations: a formal evaluation and an over-all evaluation.

  1. For purposes of this policy, “formal evaluation” for teachers shall mean an evaluation based on observation of at least one entire subject lesson of instruction on a given day, which shall be followed by a conference;
  2. An “over-all” evaluation shall mean an evaluation of the individual’s total performance as an employee of the district. This, also, shall be followed by a conference;
  3. The conference concerning the over-all evaluation may be held at the same time as the conference dealing with the last formal evaluation in a given school year;
  4. Each employee shall receive an over-all evaluation at the end of the school year which shall include for non-tenured employees a recommendation concerning rehiring/granting of tenure, as appropriate.

C. All tenured staff members shall be evaluated at least twice each school year by their immediate supervisor, one evaluation to take place in the first semester and the second during the second semester;

D. All non-tenured staff members shall receive at least three formal evaluations each school year, no less than one of which evaluations shall occur in each semester;

E. A conference shall be held between the evaluator and the employee within two (2) school days, unless a longer period of time is mutually agreed upon. The employee shall receive a written record of the evaluation at the time of this conference; a copy of which will be signed by the employee to acknowledge receipt and the copy shall be placed in the employee’s personnel record. The employee may submit a written statement in rebuttal regarding the evaluation within five (5) working days of the conference and the statement shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file accompanying the evaluation. A note at the bottom of the evaluation shall indicate that a statement has been made by the employee;

F. Until the employee has seen the written evaluation and had the conference with the evaluator; no written evaluation shall be included in the personnel folder;

G. Personnel shall be evaluated by the immediate supervisor and/or other supervisory personnel:

  1. In the event that an instructional employee has received a second unsatisfactory rating, another supervisor that the Superintendent of Schools may direct, shall make an evaluation;
  2. The other supervisor makes a report of an unsatisfactory rating, he/she shall make a second evaluation within thirty (30) days;
  3. If the supervisor as designated in paragraph (1) above, makes a second unfavorable report, that fact shall be reported to the Superintendent of Schools, who shall in turn advise the board within the next scheduled public meeting of the receipt of such unfavorable report;
  4. The evaluation of the supervisor shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisor.

H. In addition to the formal and over-all evaluations, informal evaluations are encouraged;

File Code: 4116

EVALUATION (regulation continued)

I. The Superintendent of Schools and business administrator are excluded from the provisions of this regulation;

J. In those instances where an employee is under the supervision of more than one supervisor, the Superintendent of Schools shall schedule evaluations so as to afford each supervisor an opportunity to evaluate that employee at least once in the school year.

Adopted: October 6, 1997 NJSBA Review/Update: October 2009; December 2010 Readopted:

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