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6142.10(Y) Acceptable Use for Technology for Students, Form


Northfield, New Jersey



Acceptable Use of Technology, Computer Network

and Internet Access Consent and Waiver Agreement

The following agreement must be read and signed by the student and his/her parents/guardians.

By signing this consent and waiver agreement, I ______________________ (name of student) and my parents/guardians state that we have discussed the rights and responsibilities contained herein and I agree to abide by the terms contained in this agreement.

Sites accessible by way of the internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive to certain individuals. The intention of the board is to make the internet available for the purpose of furthering its educational goals and objectives. The board does not guarantee that a student will not find some means to access materials not linked with those goals and objectives.

Because the school district provides, through connection to the internet, access to other computer systems around the world, the board and system administrators have no control over content. While most of the content available on the internet is innocuous and much of it a valuable educational resource, some objectionable material exists. The board will provide student access to internet resources and has taken steps to block objectionable areas to the extent possible (via Websense, Internet Security and acceleration firewall/proxy server). The board and the system administrators do not condone the use of objectionable or offensive materials and do not permit usage of such materials in the school environment. Students knowingly bringing such materials into the school environment will be disciplined in accordance with federal and state departments of education and Northfield Board of Education policies and regulations and such activities may result in termination of such students’ accounts on the computer network and their independent use of computers.

The board believes that the benefits to staff and student from access to the internet in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration, outweighs the disadvantages of access.

All users will abide by the following terms:

  1. Students are encouraged to use the school computers and network systems which contain instructional programs, application programs, databases, student work, and provide access to the internet for educational purposes;
  2. The “system administrators” referred to herein are employees of the Northfield Board of Education and as the administrators of the computer system shall monitor activities as directed by the Superintendent. Students shall have no expectation of privacy with regard to same;
  3. The system administrators reserve the right to set quotas for disk storage on the system in order to insure efficient operation of the network. A user who exceeds his/her quota will be advised to delete files in order to return to compliance. A user who remains in non-compliance of disk space quotas after seven days notification may have their files removed by the system administrators;
  4. Copyrighted material must not be placed on any system connected to the network without the author’s permission and that of the teacher. Users may review copyrighted materials for their own use. All software copyright and licensing laws will be followed;
  5. Intentional misuse or damaging of any computer, computer system, computer network or similar school property is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion;
  6. Students may be held financially responsible for losses, costs or damages to any school computer or system;
  7. Security on any computer system is a high priority. If a user feels that he/she can identify a potential security problem; the user must notify the system administrator. The user should not demonstrate the problem to anyone except a system administrator or a district administrator;
  8. No user may install, upload, or download software without the consent of the system administrators. Any software having the purpose of damaging other member accounts or the network is prohibited. The system administrators reserve the right to terminate the account of any user who misuses the software libraries;
  9. Any attempt to log in using another user’s account or as a system administrator is prohibited;
  10. Users must not let others know their password. Users should notify a system administrator if a password is lost or stolen, or if they have reason to believe that someone has obtained unauthorized access to their account;
  11. Students will print materials for educational purposes only to authorized printers and with teacher approval;
  12. Any internet posting to a web site, e-board, discussion board, or weblog operated from the district will be for educational, non-commercial use and all postings must have prior approval from teachers, system administrators or district administration;
  13. Game playing is permitted on the district computer network only when computers are not needed for educational purposes and the game conforms to a curricular goal and/or teacher guidelines and is approved by the teacher;
  14. Any violation of the conditions of this policy may cause loss of privilege for use of the computers, the networks and/or the internet. In addition, further penalties and/or legal action may be necessary based upon the severity of the offense.

By signing this agreement, all signatories agree that the board and administration shall not be held liable for the use of the computer network and the internet.


Students violating this policy shall be subject to appropriate discipline including but not limited to:

  1. Detention, written warning and parent conference;
  2. Suspension from school;
  3. Suspension of computer & network privileges for a fixed period of time;
  4. Revocation of computer & network privileges for the balance of the school year;
  5. Expulsion from school; and/or
  6. Legal action and prosecution by the authorities.

It is understood that the system administrators of the computer network and the internet access may monitor student activity on the computer network and internet and that they may access any files stored by students on district computers or at a remote site accessed by district computers. It is further understood that the system administrators, the principal or the Superintendent may discontinue the computer network and the internet access privileges and may discipline any student who violates the terms of this agreement.

Signature of Student: _______________________________________

School: (check one)

___ Northfield Elementary School

___ Northfield Middle School

Grade: ___

Please check one of the following:

___ Yes, I hereby grant permission for my youngster to have computer network and internet access at the Northfield Community School

___ No, I do not grant permission for my youngster to have computer network and internet access at the Northfield Community School

The parent or legal guardian legally responsible for the student must sign this agreement to grant the student access to the school district computer networks and the internet.

Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________ (Please Print)

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __/__/__

Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________ (Please Print)

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __/__/__

Adopted: June 6, 2005

Revised: June 22, 2020

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